” (…) Laura e Beatrice Puiu, pianiste gemelle di origine romena, naturalizzate italiane, sono le prime Young Steinway Artists italiane e formano uno dei più apprezzati e importanti duo pianistici a livello internazionale.
… le mani magiche di Laura & Beatrice producono un suono meraviglioso. La loro fantasia interpretativa è in grado di affrontare il lirismo più estenuato e i passaggi più virtuosistici. Il loro pianismo è nitido e scintillante. Rispettano la struttura sintattica di ogni brano e ne interpretano gli intimi valori discorsivi. La loro è un’interpretazione di elevato livello, colma di pathos.”
Alberto Cima
“Il pungolo”
Maggio 2013
Emanuele Delmiglio – Intervista “I Protagonisti di Verona”
Book interview “The Protagonists of Verona” Autumn 2009 Delmiglio publisher “Hearts in unison” “A piano duo of exceptional charm, two lives born together, and together continue on the path of the pentagram. (…)” “Hearts in unison” from the Book “Protagonists of the Verona area” – Delmiglio Editore – Excellence Book Read the interview in pdf […]
Piotr Lachert (Polish pianist, composer and writer)
“Laura and Beatrice have received the privilege only the greatest of the great musicians were granted with, and that is the very rare quality of possessing “the Whole” and of reproducing it in full harmony while playing. Crystal clear piano technique, intuitive and intelligent understanding of the in the musical notation hidden composers’ proposals, colour […]
Dan Dediu (Romanian pianist, composer)
“With musicality and intelligence, the whole Puiu Piano Duo’s interpretative approach has enhanced the two very different parts of the Sonata for 2 pianos: the first, turbulent and saturated with events, the second – enigmatic and quiet. I witnessed a profound, sensitive, and expressive interpretation, with an exceptional timbral dosage, emotional tension, and a diversified […]
Giovanni Villani (journalist and writer) L’Arena
Italian critic and musicologist Article from the Verona Newspaper “L’Arena” – 7th of August 2009 “Pianofortissimo Puiu sisters, technique and synchronicity” Powerful timbre and a smooth and subtle game of parts. Playing a single piano together is an opportunity to show how far the understanding between one musician and another can go, possibly achieving communion […]